Sunday, March 3, 2013

Newlywed Trivia

Newlywed Trivia puts the DJ in the role of "Game Show Host" as the bride and groom have their knowledge of one another put to the test.  The bridesmaids will develop a cache of questions about the bride the groom may not know and the groomsmen will do the same concerning what the bride may not know about her new husband.  Questions should be non-offensive, given the diverse ages of guests that are likely to be in attendance and hopefully ones that will not prompt the bride or her groom to seek legal counsel prior to their first anniversary.  Place the bride and groom front and center on the dance floor and let the game begin; alternating questions.  The game can generally be completed in under 15 minutes so as to not take too much time from dancing and other formalities, yet provide for a fun and unexpected twist.